Are you a supervisor or driving instructor?

We've put together the following information page and created a video series on YouTube to help you understand how the app works.

Watch the videos

What is the Roundtrip learner logbook app? 

Roundtrip is a digital logbook app that can be used by NSW learner drivers to record their practice instead of the paper logbook.

It is endorsed by the NSW Government as an official paper logbook replacement.

It is basically a digital version of the logbook. It lets learner drivers:

  1. Record supervised practice sessions

  2. Complete required learning goals

  3. Submit their logbook once they have fulfilled the requirements

Roundtrip provides improvements over the paper based logbook in a number of ways.

It can record some of the practice session automatically, including start and end time, start and end suburb, and weather conditions. It can also automatically calculate the 3 for 1 hours for accredited driving instructors. 

Just like the paper logbook, only the learner driver needs a copy of the Roundtrip app.

Supervisors simply sign off each practice session in the learner's logbook app.

This does mean that supervisors might not see the app until a learner driver shows them. That's why we've put together the following overview and guide to help supervisors understand the app better.

Supervisor sign off

Similar to the paper logbook, learner drivers need to have each practice session signed off by a valid supervising driver. 

Learner drivers need to add your supervisor details to their app before they can have the practice session signed off. They can do this after recording a session or beforehand in their profile view.

When adding a supervisor, they can hand the device to you to enter your supervisor data, or if they have permission from you, the learner driver can enter your data for you.

You'll need to have a valid Australian licence in order to sign off on the practice. We check your licence details with Roads & Maritime Services to make sure your licence is accepted.

When signing off on a practice session, you should see a review screen, where you need to review the practice session details and then tap to agree if they correct.

You are then required to sign the screen - the same way you would the paper logbook.

Once you have signed it, it will be checked with Roads & Maritime Services and if it is all valid the practice will be added to their practice totals.

Accredited Driving Instructors

If you are a driving instructor your details are entered the same way as a supervisor.

However, you must select the field saying that you are an accredited driving instructor and enter your driving school name.

3-for-1 practice hours are calculated automatically by the Roundtrip app if you select the 3-for-1 Structured Lesson option when you add a trip. A green graduate's hat icon and '(x3)' text will appear in the logbook to indicate a 3-for-1 lesson has been recorded (see the third image above).

Safer Drivers Course Instructors

If you're a Safer Driver Coach, you can sign off on both parts of the Safer Drivers Course in the app.

The safer drivers course sign off can be found in the learner driver's profile under the bonus hours section. Here learner drivers can find out more about the course and can have each part officially signed off.

You will need to enter your coach details and then sign the screen. 

The bonus hours for completing the safer drivers course are added to the learner's total once they have been signed off.

Note, the app won't let learner drivers sign off until they've recorded at least 50 hours of practice first. This helps ensure they are following the rules for taking the course. 

Help shape the future of Roundtrip

As a supervisor, driving instructor or coach you'll have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to helping learner drivers. If you have any ideas or feedback for our app then don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

You can help us create a better app for both learner drivers and those who teach them.